Seen from four monstrous perspectives, Manifestations gives you a view at the interaction between man & technology and lets you discover the dilemmas that are associated with technical developments. Who really is the Beauty and who the Beast? Are we ourselves perhaps the monster? Strange and terrifying… or, on the contrary, sweet and human like Cookie Monster?
''Monsters: Free the Byte!''

Discover the monster in yourself
What are your real monsters, are they always others? Strangers, eccentrics and outsiders: that sounds like something you’re afraid of. But is a monster always someone else? Manifestations challenges you to examine yourself. Are you your own monster? Can you remain authentic in a world where powerful technology giants turn you into click cattle? Aa a consumer, are you slowly turning into a zombie?
Yes, it’s about time to look at your monsters with a different view. Maybe then you’ll see that they are more human and likable than you might have thought. Precisely because they are different. Because they do not go with the masses. Because by being different they show you a mirror. Monsters show you how you are influenced by the stories others tell and the (un)intended consequences of technology in our lives.

Promising talent
During Manifestations you will not only be confronted with the future of technology, you will also get to know promising artists of the future. Viola van Alphen and various guest curators select from this vanguard and introduce many young, mostly recently graduated artists.
At Manifestations you will discover their work for the first time and see how the intimate relationship between man and technology can flourish or get completely out of hand. Artists from previous editions have been included in large international exhibitions and museum collections.